The DeutschlandTicket Sozial is coming!
Would you like to benefit from Germany-wide travel by bus and train? Then you have the option of subscribing to the DeutschlandTicket Sozial for 39 euros a month from the transport companies in VRR from 01.12.2023.
What you need to know about DeutschlandTicket Sozial
You already have a SozialTicket as a subscription or as a monthly travel pass, but would like to subscribe to the DeutschlandTicket Sozial? Please contact your local transport company and apply there for the DeutschlandTicket Sozial for 48 euros per month as a subscription.
The German government has decided to raise the price of the (regular) DeutschlandTicket to €58 from 1 January 2025. This affects the entire DeutschlandTicket product family, meaning that the price of the DeutschlandTicket Social has increased to €48 since 1 January 2025. The price will be adjusted automatically.
You will receive the DeutschlandTicket Sozial if you, for example
- Recipients of unemployment benefit II and social benefit (SGB II)
- Recipients of social assistance (SGB XII)
- Recipients of housing benefit
- Recipients of benefits according to SGB VIII
- Entitled to benefits under the Asylum Seekers Benefits Act
- Recipients of benefits under the Federal Benefits Act (Bundesversorgungsgesetz)
You are not sure whether you are entitled to the DeutschlandTicket Sozial? Ask directly at your local authority in your city. There you will also receive the necessary proof of entitlement (carrier card) or a notice for the acquisition of a DeutschlandTicket Sozial.
With this proof of entitlement, you can obtain the DeutschlandTicket Sozial from your transport company. The amount of 39 euros will then be automatically debited from your account every month. You no longer need to worry about anything and are mobile around the clock.
With the DeutschlandTicket Sozial you can use all local transport vehicles throughout Germany, i.e. buses, trams, city trains and underground trains as well as suburban trains, regional trains and regional express trains in 2nd class. The ticket is not valid for long-distance travel (e.g. ICE, IC, EC), and the use of private providers such as FlixTrain is also excluded.
You will receive the ticket on chip card as a monthly cancellable subscription at an introductory price of € 39 per month.
SocialTickets in comparison
DeutschlandTicket Sozial (Abonnement)
€48.00 per month
Valid throughout Germany
Germany-wide, all local transport vehicles, buses, trams, city and underground trains as well as S-Bahn, regional trains and 2nd class regional express trains. No long-distance transport (e.g. ICE, IC, EC, FlixTrain)
All-day in the specified month, eTicket on chip card or dig. Ticket in the App Shop, automatic renewal, only valid for as long as the notification is valid
- No, personal ticket
- No passenger transport
Bicycle transport:
- Can be extended by purchasing the FahrradTicket (24 hours), monthly bicycle ticket, bicycle subscription ticket for use in VRR
- NRWupgrade bicycle for use in NRW
Dog transport:
- Yes (in NRW)
1st class:
- 1st class subscription ticket or 1st class monthly ticket for use in the VRR
- NRWupgrade 1st class for use in NRW
Reimbursement of costs in the event of delay:
- up to 30 euros between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m.
- up to 60 euros between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m.
In the CustomerCentre on a chip card or in the VRR app at participating transport companies.
SozialTicket (Abonnement)
€41.80 per month
Available in two areas of validity:
- independent cities: validity price level A
- cities belonging to the district: validity throughout the district
In the area of validity, all buses, S-Bahn, RB and RE lines as well as trams and underground trains
All-day in the specified month, eTicket on chip card, automatic renewal, only valid for as long as the notification is valid
- No, personal ticket
Free of charge:
- up to three children under the age of 15
- Mondays to Fridays after 7 pm
- all day on weekends, public holidays
- public holidays and on 24.12. and 31.12. in the area of validity
Bicycle transport:
- Expandable with FahrradTicket (24 hours), monthly bicycle ticket, bicycle subscription ticket for use in VRR
- NRWupgrade bicycle for use in NRW
Dog transport:
- Yes
Additional ticket
- Extension of the area of validity to the entire network area (VRR)
1st class:
- AdditionalTicket per journey
- 1st class subscription ticket or 1st class monthly ticket within the area of validity
Reimbursement for delays:
- up to 30 euros between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m.
- up to 60 euros between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m.
The travelcard is sold as an eTicket on a chip card for the respective price level A or Kreis at the transport company's customer centre.
SozialTicket (Monatsticket)
€47.60 per month
Available in two areas of validity:
- independent cities: validity price level A
- cities belonging to the district: validity throughout the district
In the area of validity, all buses, S-Bahn, RB and RE lines as well as trams and underground trains
Full day in the specified month, carrier card with token, only valid for as long as the notification is valid
- No, personal ticket
Free of charge:
- up to three children under the age of 15
- Mondays to Fridays after 7 pm
- all day on weekends, public holidays and on 24/12 and 31/12 within the area of validity
Bicycle transport:
- Extendable with FahrradTicket (24 hours), monthly bicycle ticket in VRR
Dog transport:
- Yes
Additional ticket
- Extension of the area of validity to the entire network area (VRR)
1st class:
- Additional ticket per journey within the area of validity
Reimbursement of costs in the event of delay:
- up to 30 euros between 5 a.m. and 8 p.m.
- up to 60 euros between 8 p.m. and 5 a.m.
The monthly ticket can be purchased in the respective price level A or Kreis in the customer centres or at the ticket machines of the transport companies.
Mobility guarantee
If there are delays due to traffic jams, parking offences or disruptions to vehicles and operating facilities, you benefit from the so-called mobility guarantee. This applies if your chosen means of local transport is cancelled or leaves the departure stop at least 20 minutes later than indicated in the timetable.
You must change to the alternative means of transport within 60 minutes. If you make your journey by IC/ EC or ICE train instead, or by taxi or a sharing service (e.g. car, bike, e-scooter sharing, on-demand transport), we will reimburse you up to 30.00 euros between 5 a.m. and 7.59 p.m. and up to 60.00 euros between 8 p.m. and 4.59 a.m. with a DeutschlandTicket Sozial, as well as with the SozialTicket.
Do you have any questions about the DeutschlandTicket Sozial? Then take a look at our FAQ.
Further information:
Download brochures in different languages
We answer your questions about the DeutschlandTicket Sozial
From 01.12.2023.
The ticket costs €48.00 per month.
The DeutschlandTicket Social is always valid for the current calendar month and for as long as the entitlement exists. It can be cancelled monthly and can be cancelled free of charge up to the 10th of each month to the end of the month. If you do not cancel, it will be renewed and charged monthly.
You will receive the DeutschlandTicket Sozial if, for example
- Recipient of unemployment benefit II, citizen's allowance and social benefit (SGB II)
- Recipients of social assistance (SGB XII)
- Recipient of housing benefit
- Entitled to benefits according to SGB VIII
- Entitled to benefits under the Asylum Seekers' Benefits Act
- Entitled to benefits under the Federal Pension Act
Not sure whether you are entitled to the DeutschlandTicket Sozial? Ask your local authority directly. They will also provide you with the necessary proof of eligibility (carrier card) or a notification for the purchase of a DeutschlandTicket Sozial.
You can buy the DeutschlandTicket Sozial as a digital version with the app for your smartphone or as a chip card at the customer centre of your participating transport company. It is not available from ticket machines.
You can obtain proof of eligibility for the DeutschlandTicket Sozial from your local authority. You can use this proof of eligibility to purchase the DeutschlandTicket Sozial from your local participating transport company. The amount of 39 euros will then be automatically debited from your account each month. You no longer need to worry about anything and are mobile around the clock.
If you would like to purchase the DeutschlandTicket Sozial online, please have your proof of eligibility ready to upload a photo of it. The transport company will check it in the background.
The DeutschlandTicket Sozial is valid nationwide in all transport associations and with all local transport companies. You can use it on all local transport vehicles, i.e. buses, trams, city trains and underground trains as well as S-Bahn, regional trains and 2nd class regional expresses. The ticket is not valid on long-distance services (e.g. ICE, IC, EC), and private providers such as FlixTrain are also excluded.
A photo ID and proof of authorisation must be carried.
VRR offers the 1st class monthly ticket and the 1st class subscription ticket for €53.05 per month each for 1st class use. It allows you to use 1st class on local trains in the VRR. This allows you to use 1st class throughout the VRR or you can subscribe to the NRWupgrade 1st class for €79,30 per month and use 1st class on local trains throughout NRW.
The DeutschlandTicket Sozial does not include bicycle transport. If you would like to take a bicycle with you regularly, you can buy the new monthly bicycle ticket or bicycle subscription ticket for the VRR area for €33,45 or subscribe to the NRWupgrade bicycle for €44.80 per month and take your bicycle with you on buses and trains throughout NRW.
Children under the age of six travel free of charge. Children over the age of six require their own ticket.
No, the DeutschlandTicket Social, in the app or as a chip card, is personalised and cannot be passed on. Only you are authorised to travel with the ticket. You must always carry a photo ID with you.
Please contact your local transport company.
The FAQs are updated on an ongoing basis.